Ride的过去式:rode - 动词和名词的不同用法详解

发布时间:2023-12-17 13:09:36编辑:桑月来源:


Ride的过去式:rode - 动词和名词的不同用法详解


She hasn't been out riding since the accident. 自从出了事故以后,她一直没有骑马外出过。

I can ride a bicycle and I can drive a car, but I can't ride a horse. 我会骑自行车,而且我会开汽车,但我不会骑马。

The car rides smoothly. 这车乘起来很平稳。

He learned to ride a horse at the age of nine. 他九岁时学会了骑马。

We have ridden 600 miles. 我们已经行驶六百英里了。

He gave me a ride to the plaza. 他让我搭车去市场。

We went for a ride in the car. 我们开车兜风。

The forest riding trail is located at the back of the village. 森林骑马小径位于村庄的后面。

The new ride has been attracting large crowds of people. 这个新游乐设施吸引了大量人群。
