
发布时间:2024-01-05 14:39:24编辑:钟光来源:

Title: The Unforgettable Experience of Stopping a Thief

During the summer vacation, my mother had to work overtime and left me home alone. Before leaving, she gave me a list of warnings, including not opening the door for strangers, using the lockbox, staying away from fire, gas, and electricity. I impatiently agreed and promised to be careful. With the door securely locked, I had the freedom to plan my day - finish my homework by 10 am, watch some TV, and build a model airplane.

As I was busy with my assignments, I suddenly heard knocking on the door. It reminded me of my mother's warnings, and I wondered who it could be. Peering through the peephole, I saw a man wearing sunglasses holding a pair of pliers and trying to pry open the door of our neighbor, Mrs. Wang's house. It dawned on me that if he succeeded, it would cause her great harm.

I remembered that my father, a police officer, kept a police whistle in the drawer. I quickly retrieved it and blew hard. The piercing sound startled the thief who thought the police had arrived. He fled the scene, disguising himself as a resident of our building. As soon as he was gone, I ran to the balcony to confirm that he had left and then returned to my homework.

When my mother came back home, I recounted the incident to her. She was extremely proud of my quick thinking and maturity in handling the situation and praised me for growing up. This unforgettable experience will always be etched in my mind as a story of stopping a thief.

Title: My Experience on National Day


On October 1st, the National Day, I decided to go out and see what was happening in the city. The excitement was palpable as people from all walks of life were out celebrating. However, what I saw on the streets was not all happiness and celebration.

As I walked through the crowds, I noticed a man trying to pick the pockets of an unsuspecting passerby. Quickly reacting, I shouted out a warning, causing him to run off in the nick of time. It was then that I realized that not all the excitement was harmless fun.

The experience taught me an important lesson about vigilance while in crowds. I realized that even on a day of celebration, we cannot let down our guard. From then on, I have been more careful when in crowded places and have been more aware of my belongings. This lesson has been one of the most valuable takeaways from my National Day experience.